Friday, November 14, 2008

Geology, fiction, and science fiction

A post of links, because I'm trying to get some intro exams graded:

Magma cum laude has a great post discussing the portrayals of volcanoes in several books. And Biology in Science Fiction and Almost Diamonds are asking scientists and science fiction writers some questions in preparation for a panel at the ScienceOnline 09 conference. I think the discussions could be linked, easily.

Meanwhile, Erik Klemetti reminds us that real volcanoes can be as dramatic and tragic as fiction in his remembrance of the 23rd anniversary of the destruction of Armero, Colombia. And for science fiction writers who want to put a good subduction zone into their books, Brian Romans has a detailed three-part debunking of subduction denialists, which has led to a call for posts about geologic pseudoscience.


Anonymous said...

nice post

Peggy K said...

Thanks for the link! I hope you'll consider answering the science in science fiction questions yourself. We are interested in getting responses from many different viewpoints, and would love to get a geologist's point of view.