Monday, May 5, 2008

Tag clouds for papers

I didn't write a Sunday Stroll yesterday, because I spent it doing spring cleaning. (Wheee! Giving away baby toys to a preschool yard sale!) I may write something late, because I heard a hummingbird on Saturday.

So: making tag clouds for papers must be a meme now, because Brian, Lab Lemming, Maria, and ReBecca have all done it. So here's Hannula et al, 2000:

created at

It passes the suck-up test, because none of my committee members ever worked in this area (or even in this mountain range), and all my co-authors were undergrads. It fails the waffle words test, though: "generally" and "suggest" are both in there. (I'll let "dominant" slide, because I was talking about rocks with multiple foliations, so it's a legitimate term in this case.

Here's Hannula (um... 2002? 2003?), from the Journal of Geoscience Ed:

created at

This one included text from a number of labs, so it's a bit strange. (32nd is a street number used for reference in a topo maps lab.)


C W Magee said...

first label cloud appears to be high T, low P with some retrograde metamorphism.

Gotta love Al2SiO5.

Kim said...

I wish I had an electronic copy of the papers that came out of my dissertation, just so I could demonstrate that I've done high-pressure stuff, too.

coconino said...

The hummingbirds have returned to my elevation, too (~7000 ft, to be 7800 ft in August, but lower latitude). I gladly hung the feeders since I have no space for gardening now and I like my 4-year old to see the hummers and the orioles. Fun!