Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Google Earth explosion!

I'm only teaching a writing class this semester, so I haven't been hunting down Google Earth files as much as I do when I'm teaching my intro class. So I hadn't realized what a fantastic collection San Diego State has put together!

- The geologic map of the Grand Canyon

- Grids showing all of the USGS's 7.5 minute, 30x60, and 1X2 degree map boundaries. (Need to find a paper map? Don't know the quad? Now you can fly to it. This is going to make scouting field camp locations so much easier...)

- World gravity and magnetic anomaly maps. (Plus plate boundaries and faults, which I had already been using.) There's geophysics/tectonics exercise just waiting to happen.

- Magnetic declination and inclination all over the world. (I need this for my sophomore mapping class.)

And my favorite: Ron Blakey's paleogeography globes...

... because the world was round 300 million years ago, too. And I, at least, have a hard time putting research from other parts of the world into a mental model.

Ron Schott wants to build a Google Earth geology layer, which would make it easier to find all this cool stuff. If you're drooling nearly as much as I am, go to his post and tell him what you're interested in.

1 comment:

RBH said...

OK, I tried to send a trackback from a Panda's Thumb post pointing here, but it failed. So please consider this a trackback. :)